Monday, November 21, 2011

A Simple Hack To Get The New Youtube Design

Hack To Get The New Youtube Design youtube Google is testing a brand new design for Youtube and here's a little hack you can do right-now to enjoy the swanky new layout before official release. All

New Youtube Homepage

New Youtube Design

To get started with the new YouTube design follow the steps below :

  • Launch in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
  • If using Firefox press : Ctrl+Shift+K and if Google Chrome : Ctrl+Shift+J to open developer Tools.
  • In the developer tools console paste document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=ST1Ti53r4fU"; and hit enter.
  • Reload YouTube website and enjoy the new layout.
  • Wednesday, October 19, 2011

    Security ,Assets Library ,Address Book ,Core Data ,Core Graphics ,iAd ,Game Kit ,Event Kit and Event Kit UI ,Core Motion ,Core Location

    iAd The iAd framework provides new callback methods for developers who use multiple add networks and want to be notified when a new ad is available. The bannerViewWillLoadAd: method (defined in the ADBannerViewDelegate protocol) is called when a banner has confirmed that an ad is available but before the ad is fully downloaded and ready to be presented. The interstitialAdWillLoad: method (defined in theADInterstitialAdDelegate protocol) offers similar behavior for interstitial ads. Game Kit The Game Kit framework and Game Center now have the following features: The GKTurnBasedMatch class provides support for turn-based gaming, which allows games to create persistent matches whose state is stored in iCloud. Your game manages the state information for the match and determines which player must act to advance the state of the match. Your game can now adjust the default leaderboard (implemented by the GKLeaderboard class) shown to each player. If your game does not change the default leaderboard for a player, that player sees the leaderboard configured for your application in iTunes Connect. The GKNotificationBanner class implements a customizable banner similar to the banner shown to players when they log in to Game Center. Your game may use this banner to display messages to the player. When your game reports an achievement, it can automatically display a banner to the player using the GKAchievement class. A GKMatchmakerViewController object can now add players to an existing match in addition to creating a new match. The GKMatchDelegate protocol now includes a method to reconnect devices when a two-player match is disconnected. Foundation The Foundation framework includes the following enhancements: The NSFileManager class includes new methods for moving a file to a user’s iCloud storage. The new NSFileCoordinator class and NSFilePresenter protocol implement now locking support and notifications when manipulating documents in iCloud. The new NSFileVersion class reports and manages conflicts between different versions of a file in iCloud. The NSURL class includes new methods and constants to support syncing items to a user’s iCloud storage. The new NSMetadataQuery class supports attributes for items synced to a user’s iCloud storage. Several other metadata-related classes were also added, including NSMetadataItem, NSMetadataQueryResultGroup, and NSMetadataQueryAttributeValueTuple. The new NSJSONSerialization class is a new class that supports back-and-forth conversions between JSON data and Foundation types. The new NSLinguisticTagger class is a new class lets you break down a sentence into its grammatical components, allowing the determination of nouns, verbs, adverbs, and so on. This tagging works fully for English and the class also provides a method to find out what capabilities are available for other languages. This framework now includes the NSFileWrapper class for managing file packages—that is, files implemented as an opaque directory. The new NSOrderedSet collection class offers the semantics of sets, whereby each element occurs at most once in the collection, but where elements are in a specific order. Most delegate methods are now declared using formal protocols instead of as categories on NSObject. Event Kit and Event Kit UI The Event Kit framework includes the following enhancements: The class hierarchy has been restructured. There is now a common base class called EKObject and portions of the EKEvent class have been moved into a new base class called EKCalendarItem. With the EKEventStore class, you can now create and delete calendars programmatically, fetch calendars based on their identifier, save and remove events in batches, and trigger a programmatic refresh of calendar data. The new EKSource class represents the source for creating new calendars and events. The EKCalendar class now provides access to a calendar’s UUID, source, and other attributes. The Event Kit UI framework now includes the EKCalendarChooser class, which provides a standard way for selecting from the user’s iCal calendars. Core Motion The Core Motion framework now supports reporting heading information and magnetometer data for devices that have the corresponding hardware. Core Location The Core Location framework (CoreLocation.framework) now includes support for both forward and reverse geocoding location data. This support allows you to convert back and forth between a set of map coordinates and information about the street, city, country (and so on) at that coordinate. Core Graphics The Core Graphics framework (CoreGraphics.framework) includes some new interfaces to support the creation of paths. Specifically, there are new interfaces for creating paths with an ellipse or rectangle and for adding arcs to existing paths. Core Data The Core Data framework includes the following enhancements: Core Data provides integration with the iOS document architecture and iCloud storage. The UIManagedDocument class is a concrete subclass of UIDocument that uses a Core Data persistent store for document data storage. For applications built for iOS 5.0 or later, persistent stores now store data by default in an encrypted format on disk. The default protection level prevents access to the data until after the user unlocks the device for the first time. You can change the protection level by assigning a custom value to the NSPersistentStoreFileProtectionKey key when configuring your persistent stores. For additional information about the data protection that are new in iOS 5.0, see “Data Protection Improvements.” Core Data formalizes the concurrency model for the NSManagedObjectContext class with new options. When you create a context, you can specify the concurrency pattern to use with it: thread confinement, a private dispatch queue, or the main dispatch queue. TheNSConfinementConcurrencyType option provides the same behavior that was present on versions of iOS prior to 5.0 and is the default. When sending messages to a context created with a queue association, you must use the performBlock: or performBlockAndWait:method if your code is not already executing on that queue (for the main queue type) or within the scope of a performBlock... invocation (for the private queue type). Within the blocks passed to those methods, you can use the methods of NSManagedObjectContext freely. TheperformBlockAndWait: method supports API reentrancy. The performBlock: method includes an autorelease pool and calls theprocessPendingChanges method upon completion. You can create nested managed object contexts, in which the parent object store of a context is another managed object context rather than the persistent store coordinator. This means that fetch and save operations are mediated by the parent context instead of by a coordinator. This pattern has a number of usage scenarios, including performing background operations on a second thread or queue and managing discardable edits, such as in an inspector window or viewNested contexts make it more important than ever that you adopt the “pass the baton” approach of accessing a context (by passing a context from one view controller to the next) rather than retrieving it directly from the application delegate. Managed objects support two significant new features: ordered relationships, and external storage for attribute values. If you specify that the value of a managed object attribute may be stored as an external record, Core Data heuristically decides on a per-value basis whether it should save the data directly in the database or store a URI to a separate file that it manages for you. There are two new classes, NSIncrementalStore and NSIncrementalStoreNode, that you can use to implement support for nonatomic persistent stores. The store does not have to be a relational database—for example, you could use a web service as the back end. Core Audio The Core Audio family of frameworks includes the following changes in iOS 5.0: Audio-session routing information is now specified using dictionary keys. There are also new modes for managing your application’s audio behavior: Voice chat mode optimizes the system for two-way voice conversation. Video recording mode configures the device for video capture. Measurement mode disables automatic compression and limiting for audio input. Default mode provides iOS 4.3.3 behavior. Core Audio adds seven new audio units for handling advanced audio processing features in your application, such as reverb, adjustable equalization, and time compression and stretching. The new Sampler unit lets you create music instruments, for which you can provide your own sounds. The new AUFilePlayer unit lets you play sound files and feed them directly to other audio units. The 3D Mixer audio unit is enhanced in iOS 5.0 to provide reverb and other effects useful in game audio. You can automate audio unit parameters in an audio processing graph, which lets you build a music mixer that remembers fader positions and changes. You can now use the advanced features of Apple Core Audio Format files in iOS. For example, you might create new voices for the Sampler audio unit. There is now programmatic support for adjusting the audio input gain. Core Audio now supports 32-bit floating-point audio data for applications that need to provide high quality audio. AV Foundation The AV Foundation framework includes the following enhancements: There is automatic support for playing audio and video content over AirPlay. Applications can opt out of transmitting video over AirPlay using the allowsAirPlayVideo property of the AVPlayer class. New properties on the AVPlayerItem class indicate whether the item supports fast-forwarding or rewinding of the content. Assets Library The Assets Library framework includes the following enhancements: Support for accessing photo streams Support for creating new albums in the user’s photo library Support for adding assets to albums The ability to get an aspect ratio thumbnail for an asset The ability to modify saved assets Address Book The Address Book framework adds support for importing and exporting vCard data. It also adds new keys to associate social network affiliations with a user record. Security The Security framework (Security.framework) now includes the Secure Transport interfaces, which are Apple’s implementation of the SSL/TLS protocols. You can use these interfaces to configure and manage SSL sessions, manage ciphers, and manage certificates.

    Media Player And Map Kit

    Media Player The Media Player framework includes the following enhancements: There is now support for displaying “Now Playing” information in the lock screen and multitasking controls. This information can also be displayed on an Apple TV and with content delivered via AirPlay. You can detect whether video is being streamed to an AirPlay device using the airPlayVideoActive property of theMPMoviePlayerController class. Applications can now use the framework to play content from iTunes University. Map Kit The Map Kit framework supports the ability to use heading data to rotate a map based on the user’s current orientation. As you can with the Maps application, you can configure your map view to scroll the map according to the user’s current location. For example, a walking tour application might use this to show the user their current location on the tour. For information on the interfaces you use to implement map scrolling and rotation, see Map Kit Framework Reference. Note:If you are currently using Map Kit for geocoding, you should switch to using the Core Location framework for that feature; see “Core Location.”

    Additional Framework Enhancements

    In addition to the items discussed in the preceding sections, the following frameworks have additional enhancements. For a complete list of new interfaces, see iOS 5.0 API Diffs. UIKit The UIKit framework includes the following enhancements: The UIViewController class can now be used to create custom container view controllers; see “Container View Controller Support.” The UIKit framework provides support for loading and using storyboards; see “Storyboards.” Bars and bar button items can now be tinted and customized for your application; see “Custom Appearance for UIKit Controls.” The UIPageViewController class is a new container view controller for creating page-turn transitions between view controllers. The UIReferenceLibraryViewController class adds support for presenting a custom dictionary service to the user. The UIImagePickerController class supports new options for specifying the quality of video recordings. The UIStepper class is a new control for incrementing a floating-point value value up or down within a configurable range. View-based animations now support cross-dissolve, flip-from-top, and flip-from-bottom animations; see UIView Class Reference. The UIApplication class now reports the language directionality of the running application. The exclusiveTouch property of the UIControl class now defaults to YES instead of NO. The UITableView class adds support for automatic row animations, moving rows and sections, multiselection, and copy and paste behaviors for cells. The UIScreen class lets you specify overscan compensation behaviors for video delivered over AirPlay or through an attached HDMI cable. You can also programmatically set a screen’s brightness. The UIScrollView class now exposes its gesture recognizers so that you can configure them more precisely for your application. The UISegmentedControl class now supports proportional segment widths. The UIAlertView class now supports password-style text entry and special configurations for entering text securely. The UIColor class includes support for Core Image and new methods to retrieve individual color values. The UIImage class includes support for Core Image, support for stretching an image by tiling part of its content, and support for looping animations. The UITextInputTraits protocol adds support for a Twitter-specific keyboard and separate spell-checking behavior. The UIAccessibility protocol includes new interfaces that define the activation point within an element and indicate whether an element is modal or contains hidden elements. There are also new notifications that inform you of changes in system-provided accessibility features, such as zoom, audio status, and closed captioning. The UIAccessibilityReadingContent protocol allows you to provide a continuous, page-turning reading experience to VoiceOver users. The UIAccessibilityIdentification protocol allows you to uniquely identify elements in your app so that you can refer to them in automation scripts. The UIWebView class automatically supports the presentation of multimedia content over AirPlay. You can opt out of this behavior by changing the value in the mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay property of the class. This class also exposes a scrollView property so that you can access the scrolling properties of your web interfaces. OpenAL The OpenAL framework has two significant extensions: You can get notifications about source state changes and changes regarding the number of audio buffers that have been processed. The Apple Spatial Audio extension in iOS 5.0 adds three audio effects that are especially useful for games: reverberation, obstruction effects, and occlusion effects. Message UI The Message UI framework adds a new notification for tracking changes to the device’s ability to send text messages.

    Xcode Tools

    The following sections describe the improvements to the Xcode tools and the support for developing iOS applications. For detailed information about the features available in Xcode 4.2, see Xcode New Features User Guide. Xcode Improvements Xcode 4.2 adds support for many features that are available in iOS 5.0. The LLVM compiler supports Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), and Xcode includes a menu item to convert targets to use ARC. (For more information about ARC and about how to use it in your applications, see “Automatic Reference Counting.”) The Interface Builder user interface provides support for creating storyboard files for your iOS applications. (For more information about using storyboards in your iOS applications, see “Storyboards.”) In iOS Simulator, you can now simulate different locations for applications using the Core Location framework. You can download your application data from an iOS device and automatically restore that data when debugging or testing in iOS simulator or on a device. OpenGL ES Debugging The debugging experience in Xcode has been updated to include a new workflow for debugging OpenGL ES applications. You can now use Xcode to do the following for your OpenGL ES applications: Introspect OpenGL ES state information and objects such as view textures, shaders, and so on. Set breakpoints on OpenGL ES errors, set conditional OpenGL ES entry point breakpoints, break on frame boundaries, and so on.
